North Dakota Tribal College System 30th Anniversary-Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present & Envisioning Our Future. | Sitting Bull College

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North Dakota Tribal College System 30th Anniversary-Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Present & Envisioning Our Future.

Posted: Thursday, 09 January 2025
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Sitting Bull College President Phillips, Vice President Dr. Koreen Ressler and the North Dakota Tribal College leaders attended the event at the North Dakota Heritage Center in Bismarck, ND. Tribal Colleges- Candeska Cikana Community College, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College, Sitting Bull College, Turtle Mountain Community College, and United Tribes Technical College were present for the 30th Anniversary reception. We honored the past events and accomplishments of the North Dakota Tribal College system, learned more about current partnerships that benefit our Tribal College and looked to the future! “For three decades, this collective has exemplified the power of collaboration and innovations. The program was designed to pay homage to our beginning, celebrate our current successes dur to the partnerships fostered with the state and national allies over the years and looks to the future of the organization. We would like to take the time to thank those who made this event possible:The North Dakota Tribal College System Board of Directors:
  • Dr. Twyla Baker, Board Chair,
  • Dr. Leander McDonald, Vice-Chair
  • Dr. Tomi Kay Phillips, Secretary
  • Dr. Steven Smith, Treasurer
  • Dr. Wanda Parisien, Member-at-large” (North Dakota Tribal College System, December 6, 2024.)