Online Research Resources | Sitting Bull College

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Online Research Resources

The link above gives you access to all EBSCO Databases. A comprehensive page to access all Ebsco Databases at Sitting Bull College.


Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals and a total of more than 13,200 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887, with the majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format. Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals.


This multi-disciplinary database provides active full text for more than 3,100 journals, including active full text for nearly 2,750 peer-reviewed journals.


CINAHL® with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive source of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 610 journals indexed in CINAHL®. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index - with no embargo. Full-text coverage dates back to 1981.


ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and research. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. Content includes journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, dissertations and theses, and books dating back to 1966.


Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. Business Source Premier is superior to the competition in full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.

This link gives you access to the full list of Statewide resources found on the ODIN website.

Family History and Genealogy Resources

Below are resources that are available for research in family history and genealogy. some of our resources are only available using the computers in the SBC Library on-campus.



A comprehensive searchable database of public records. Includes U.S. Federal Census records from 1790 thru 1930, Indian Census records from 1885-1930, immigration records, military records, the Social Security Death Index, the family history library and more.

Over 120,000 images from Denver Public Library’s Western History and Genealogy collection.

Contains thousands of images, documents, videos and oral histories from the Northern Plains region.


A growing database of genealogical material provided by the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints.

A database that is a collaboration between cultural heritage institutions in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. It facilitates discovery of diverse resources such as photographs, artifacts, manuscripts, vital records and library catalogs.

A large collection of images, documents, videos, written and audio items from the Library of Congress and other institutions.

Access to images held in the collections of the Library of Congress

The Montana Memory Project provides access to digital collections and items relating to Montana’s cultural heritage and government.

More than 11,000 images of maps held in the Perry Castaneda Library map collection at the University of Texas at Austin.

Access to images held in the collections of the Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian’s library collections contain over 1.2 million volumes, including 15,000 journal titles, rare books and manuscripts. SIL collections are particularly strong in natural history, tropical biology, and Chesapeake Bay area ecology; Anthropology; American and African-American history and culture; postal, horticulture and garden history; the history of science and technology; aerospace history, astronomy, and planetary sciences; African, American Asian, contemporary, and design and decorative art; conservation science, and museum studies.

A growing collection of digital images from the National Archives that are becoming available online for the first time.

K-12 Student Resources

Below are resources that are available for students on Standing Rock to use for research in Elementary, Middle School and High School.


Designed for children 8-15 years old, the Britannica Online Student Edition provides a safe search environment for kids without distracting advertising.

Kids InfoBits is Gales exciting database designed especially for students in kindergarten through grade five. Complete with an engaging, developmentally appropriate graphic interface, premier reference content and the best magazines for elementary students, Kids InfoBits addresses the way kids learn and conduct research and makes it fun!


Middle School Resources

Britannica Online School Edition gives teachers and students instant access to four complete encyclopedias that ensure consistency with classroom topics and age-appropriate language.This unique database also offers high-quality online learning materials that are developed by teachers and curriculum experts. Designed for all levels of learning, Britannica Online School Edition offers students a gateway to the vast resources of Encyclopedia Britannica.

Middle Search Plus, designed specifically for middle school libraries, contains full text for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines. All full text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full text is also available for biographies, historical essays and student pamphlets. Additionally, Middle Search Plus contains primary source documents including Essential Documents in American History, reference books including the Funk + Wagnall’s New Encyclopedia and American Heritage? Dictionary, 4th Edition from Houghton Mifflin, the Encyclopedia of Animals and an Image Collection.


High School Resources

Britannica Online School Edition gives teachers and students instant access to four complete encyclopedias that ensure consistency with classroom topics and age-appropriate language.This unique database also offers high-quality online learning materials that are developed by teachers and curriculum experts. Designed for all levels of learning, Britannica Online School Edition offers students a gateway to the vast resources of Encyclopedia Britannica.

Lakota/Dakota Language and Culture resources

Below are resources that are available for research in Lakota/Dakota history, culture and language.


Lakota/Dakota Electronic Books Online

Below is a listing of ebooks that are available online. Most of these titles are older works in the public domain and can be viewed for free and in many cases downloaded for free by clicking on the links. Many are early works translated into the Lakota/Dakota language, while others relate to Lakota/Dakota history.



The award-winning Britannica Online delivers fast and easy access to high-quality, comprehensive information.

Consumer Health Complete (CHC) is the single most comprehensive resource for consumer-oriented health content. It is designed to support the information needs of patients, and to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics.

Free access to over 700,000 open access publications from over 280 universities

Combines Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, MasterFILE Premier and Regional Business News into a single database.

From arts and the humanities to social sciences, science and technology, this database meets research needs across all academic disciplines. Access scholarly journals, news magazines, and newspapers – many with full text and images!

The largest repository of free full-text life science articles in the world, with more than 750,000 free, full-text articles online.

WorldCat is a worldwide union catalog created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 member institutions.


Points of View Reference Center is a full-text database designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue. The database provides more than 270 topics, each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument), counterpoint (opposing argument), and Critical Thinking Guide. Topics covered include: affirmative action, cloning, DNA profiling, HIV/AIDS status disclosure, immigration, Iraq, Israel & the Palestinians, Katrina and FEMA response, nuclear proliferation, separation of church and state, standardized testing, stem cell research, tax cuts, voting machines, and many more.

With more than 4 million bibliographic records centered on psychology and the behavioral and social sciences, the interdisciplinary content in PsycINFO® makes it one of the most highly utilized databases by students, researchers, educators, and practitioners worldwide.

Access Current Edition or search past issues. Visit SBC library to access online or print collections.

Book with information coming out of it.

Listing of Sitting Bull College Research

List of Research Projects at Sitting Bull College (2016 – 2023)

As of September 15, 2023 

Current Research Publications 

Impact of the 2020 California Wildfires on North Dakota (presented at the TEMPO Science Team meeting June 2, 2021, and at 2021 NASA North Dakota Space Grant Consortium Student Symposium and Annual Affiliates Meeting, April16-17, 2021)  

Students: Allen Hastings and Silas Little Dog

Long-term Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA (LEARN): Innovative Practices Suggested by a New model for teacher Research Experiences ( Presented at the 2014 American Geophysical union (AGU) Fall Meeting, December 14, 2014.

Student : Cara Moulton

Evaluation of Calitoo Handheld Sun Photometer for Classroom Use (Presented at LEARN: Long-term Engagement in Authentic Research NASA Langley Science Directorate Meeting, Summer 2014

Student: Cara Moulton and Robert Bujosa

Education Thesis Papers and Scholarly Projects 

Sitting Bull College Master of Education Program: Specialization in Curriculum and Instruction ( This section is under construction)
College: Sitting Bull College
Final Project: Thesis Papers & Scholarly Projects
Department: Teacher Education
Program: Master of Education
Specialization: Curriculum and Instruction
Cohort 1: 2017-2019
Graduate Student: Camie Luger
Final Project: Thesis Paper
Thesis Paper Title: How Can Differentiated Instruction Using the RTI Model Improve Reading Test Scores
Subject(s): Differentiated Instruction, Native American Studies, RTI Model, Reading Test Scores
Adviser: Dr. Chris Fried
Final Project Status: Final Draft Approved
Grant Funded: No
Cohort 1: 2017-2019
Graduate Student: Hilaree Emmons
Final Project: Thesis Paper
Thesis Paper Title: Gamification in Education: Introducing Game Elements to Enhance Student Engagement and Motivation
Subject(s): Gamification, Native American Studies, Student Engagement, Achievement Motivation
Adviser: Dr. Chris Fried
Final Project Status: Final Draft Approved
Grant Funded: No
Cohort 2: 2019-2021
Graduate Student: Sheridan McNeil
Final Project: Thesis Paper
Thesis Paper Title: Incorporating Indigenous Evaluation Techniques for Tribal College Faculty Evaluation
Subject(s): Faculty Evaluation, Evaluation Tools/Techniques, Tribal College Faculty Evaluation
Adviser: Dr. Chris Fried
Final Project Status: Final Draft Approved
Grant Funded: No
Cohort 2: 2019-2021
Graduate Student: Elliot Bannister
Final Project: Thesis Paper
Thesis Paper Title: Student Perceptions of the Ot?ókahe Online Learning Platform to Be Used for Improved Online Delivery
Subject(s): Lakota/Dakota language, online instructional methods
Adviser: Travis Frank, Ph.D.
Final Project Status: Final Draft Approved
Grant Funded: No

Research Projects of ENS Associate Students and Costa Rica Research Participants – Advisor Renae Schmitt

Current Projects (spring 2017)

Comparison of raptor species richness and abundance during winter and spring migration surveys

Student: Jaimie Archambault

Effects of selenium on plant survival, growth, and reproduction

Student: Kylie Harrison

Proposed Projects of ENS Associate Students (spring 2017 – winter 2018) –Advisor Renae Schmitt

Macroinvertebrate communities in an irrigation canal system in Guanacaste Region of Costa Rica.

Student: Jaimie Archambault

Effects of different cultivation techniques on the growth of native prairie plants

Student: Curtis Codotte

Effects of disturbance on macroinvertebrate communities in the Grand River

Student: Chelsea Chasing Hawk.

Behavior of the green iguana (Iguana iguana): effects of microclimate and body size

Student: Sheena Gladue.

Factors affecting microclimate conditions in a dry tropical forest, Costa Rica

Student: Kylee Harrison.

Comparison of winter and spring diets of coyotes (Canis latrans) in mixed-grass prairie and rangeland

Student: Melanie Howard.

Effects of different soil inoculations on the establishment and survival of the prairie turnip (Psoralea esculenta)

Student: Frankie Howard.

Effects of bison grazing on soil properties

Student: Paul Miner.

Research Projects of ENS Bachelor Degree Students – Advisor Mafany Mongoh

A Survey of Amphibian (frogs/toads) Using Calls to Identify Species Type

Student: Tonya Tuntland, 4 Year Project

Migration of Western Painted Turtles on Standing Rock

Student: Larissa Wolf Necklace, 4 Year Project

Ecological Interactions between Snakes and Bison: A Herpetofauna Diversity Survey of Snakes on a Bison Grazing Pasture on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation

Student: JP Holmes, 4 Year Project (May change)

Funded: NARCH

Effects of Microbial Biodegradation on Sustainable Bio-based Polymers

Student: Josh W. Silk, 4 Year Project

Funded: EPSCoR

Fish Diversity in Tributaries along the Missouri River

Student: Saul Bobtail Bear, 4 Year Project

Understanding the Synthesis Procedure for a Model Compound Polymer with Photo-degradation Ability made from FDCA and a Nitro-Phototrigger

Students: Josh W. Silk and Saul Bobtail Bear

Funded: EPSCoR

Effects of Sustainable Bio-based Polymers on Microbial Growth

Student: Josh W. Silk

Funded: EPSCoR

Research Projects of MS Degree Student – Advisor Gary Halvorson

Lead Concentrations in River Sediments as Affected by Clay Content

Student: Clayton Lupe

Funded: NSF-TCUP and American Indian College Fund

Faculty Projects

Preventing Collapse in Tribal Bison Herds

Faculty: Margaret Knox


Sustainable Polymer Biodegradation Using a Microbial Pathway

Faculty: Mongoh

Funded: EPSCoR

Novel Energy/Resource-Efficient Building Material Derived from Rapidly Renewable Materials

Faculty: Mongoh

Funded: EPSCoR Emerging Competitive Seed Award

Ecological Interactions at the Micro-scale: Applying Concepts of Parasitology and Zoonoses to Habitat Processes

Faculty: Mongoh

Funded: NARCH

SBC Research Projects Prior to 2016

From the Environmental Science 2006-2010 Program Review

Guinn, J.E. and A. Two Bears. In Press. Morphological characteristics of western painted turtles on Standing Rock Reservation. Prairie Naturalist.

Guinn, J.E. and P. Isakson. In Press. Spiny softshell turtle range expansion to North Dakota and Standing Rock Reservation. Prairie Naturalist.

Guinn, J.E. and K. Haas. (No Date). Long-tailed weasel nest predation of Loggerhead Shrike in North Dakota. Reviewed and returned by Wilson Journal of Ornithology.


Jones, D. 2009. Morphological variation of Rhamdia guatamalensis in Costa Rica’s anthropogenic and natural river systems.  FALCON (First Americans Land-grant College Network) Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Two Bears, A., K. Haas, C.A. Haas, J.E. Guinn. 2008. Initial fledgling dispersal of Loggerhead Shrike determined by radio telemetry. FALCON (First Americans Land-grant College Network) Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Two Bears, A. and J.E. Guinn. 2008. Morphological characteristics of western painted turtles on Standing Rock Reservation. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Grand Fork, ND

Stonefish, D. 2008. Testing optimal foraging theory at a reservoir lake in North Dakota. American Indian Heritage Day, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Stonefish, D. 2007. Testing optimal foraging theory at a reservoir lake in North Dakota. National AISES Conference, Phoenix, AZ. (Best Presentation Award)

Two Bears, A. 2007. Morphological characteristics of western painted turtles on Standing Rock Reservation. National AISES Conference, Phoenix, AZ.


Two Bears, A. and J.E. Guinn. 2010. Nesting responses of Loggerhead Shrike and Brown Thrashers to annual precipitation and temperature from 1994-2009.  North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Mandan, ND.

Stonefish, A.J. and D. Buresh. 2010. Assessing the impact of rice and sugar cane agriculture on the water quality of anthropogenic water systems in Costa Rica: a study using macroinvertebrates as water quality indicators. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Minot, ND.

Shields, C. and J.E. Guinn. 2010. Northern leopard frog distribution and morphology in Sioux County, North Dakota. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Minot, ND.

Black Hoop, H.L. and D.J. Buresh. 2010. Impacts on water infiltration rates resulting from prairie dog inhabitance: a comparison of prairie dog colonies and adjacent lands. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Minot, ND.

White Mountain, S. and D. Buresh. 2010. Comparison of water quality associated with 2009 water levels in Sioux County Stock Dams. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Minot, ND.

Montclair, C.L. and D.J. Buresh. 2010. Occurrence of minnow species in new versus permanent water systems in Sioux County. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Minot, ND.

Jones, D. 2009. Morphological variation of Rhamdia guatamalensis in Costa Rica’s anthropogenic and natural river systems.  Palo Verde National Park NUTRO Seminar Series, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

Luger, P. and J.E. Guinn. 2009. Geospatial analysis of the effects of human-induced wetland fire on semi-fossorial turtles in Palo Verde, Costa Rica.  Northern Plains Biological Symposium, Grand Forks, ND.

Two Bears, A., K. Haas, C.A. Haas, and J.E. Guinn. 2009. Initial fledgling dispersal of Loggerhead Shrike determined by radio telemetry. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Mandan, ND.

Jones, D., J.E. Guinn, and J. Ducheneaux. 2009.  Importance of grassland habitat for overwintering rough-legged hawks (Buteo lagopus) on Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Mandan, ND.

Murphy, J., A. Rookey, J.E. Guinn, and P. Isakson. 2008. Spiny softshell turtle range expansion, North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society meeting, Grand Forks, ND.  (Best Poster Award).

Jones, D., J.E. Guinn, and J. Ducheneaux. 2008.  Importance of grassland habitat for overwintering rough-legged hawks (Buteo lagopus) on Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota. Raptor Research Foundation conference, Missoula, MT.

Murphy, J., A. Rookey, J.E. Guinn, and P. Isakson. 2008. Spiny softshell turtle range expansion.  American Indian Heritage Day, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.

Stonefish, D. 2007. Indigenous knowledge and animal husbandry of Reindeer in Norway, National FALCON Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

From the Environmental Science 2010-2015 Program Review

  • Adam Baker – Impacts on Groundwater Resulting from Cattle Inhabitance
  • Audra Stonefish – Using Macroinvertebrates as indicators of Water Quality in Anthropogenic Water Systems of Costa Rica
  • Bruz Van Dusen – Tracking Northern Pike Movement on Froelich Dam Using Radio Telemetry
  • Erica Loafer – Pilot Study Examining the Use of Clove Oil Anesthetic on Northern Pike (Esox lucius)
  • Harriet Black Hoop – Analyzing Mercury in Turtle Shells and Claws: A Comparison of Snapping Turtles and Painted Turtles
  • Palani Luger – Determining Movement Patterns of Guatemalan Catfish (Rhamdia guatemalensis) in Rice Field Canals of Costa Rica Using Radio Telemetry
  • Sean White Mountain – Small Mammal Response to Rangeland Fire
  • Sunshine Claymore – Banded Tetra (Astyanax aeneus) in Anthropogenic Water Systems of Costa Rica: A Study Determining Population Estimates
  • Maurice Little Bear – Occurrence of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Watering Points around open Pasture Cattle in Ranches on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation
  • LaLynn Antell – Nutrient Status of Vegetation around Prairie Dog Infested Rangelands
  • Bruz Van Dusen – Indigenous Corn Reintroduction
  • Ann Solano — A Comparative and Multi Element Analysis of Water Quality on Lake Sakakawea.
  • Koby Sommer – Mosquito Genera Comparisons Within Various Habitats in a Tropical Dry Forest Biome
  • Jonathan Holmes — Determining Movement Patterns of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Rice Field Canals of Costa Rica Using Radio Telemetry
  • Bruz Van Dusen – Comparing Soil Characteristics Among Rice Fields, Cane Sugar Fields, and Natural Marshes of the Costa Rican Tropical Dry Forest Biome
  • Sunshine Claymore – Effects of Vegetation on the Microclimate of a Mango Tree Stand in Costa Rica
  • Tonya Tuntland – Sediment Properties of Benthic Environments of Lentic System on Standing Rock Sioux Reservation
  • Maurianna Loretto – Understanding Behavior and Ecology of Bison on Standing Rock Sioux Reservation
  • LaLynn Antell – Biosorption of iron (Fe) and lead (Pb) in Aqueous Solution Using Banana Peels